
| Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales - Madrid, Spain

| 28/03/2023 h.09.00

Research Workshop and Call for Papers at ICEI-UCM

The 1st Research Workshop spanned a variety of topics, starting with discussions on R&D investment, the  impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on innovation, and the dynamics of FDI and local innovation. Isabel Álvarez and José Carlos Fariñas, among others, provided insights into Global Value Chains (GVC), energy, environment, and development, analyzing the role of GVCs in addressing global environmental crises. The workshop also explored sectoral innovation systems, digital services in GVCs, and the intricacies of regional GVCs and firms with contributions from experts. The event concluded with a series of sessions on the regional impacts of GVCs and the relationship between trade and development, chaired by distinguished academics.
This workshop served as a significant platform for presenting cutting-edge research and fostering discussions on the interplay between innovation, international business, and global trade dynamics.